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Hatch - indigo

Sale price£3.00

To hatch is to be born, to make a plan, to bring into being. This wallpaper was hatched from Abi Ola's personal and historical connection to Nigeria and to adire fabrics. Adire is the Yoruba word for ‘tie and dye’ textiles. Traditionally, they are made and worn throughout the Yoruba region of Nigeria. The indigo-dyed cotton is decorated using a resist-dyeing technique to create striking, repeating patterns in blue and white. At the bottom of each adire design you can usually find the artist’s signature, as each textile is a unique artwork. The random, hand-drawn patterns of Hatch pay homage to this tradition whilst allowing you to personally interpret the different shapes. Through the liveliness of its mark-making, this wallpaper paints the life story of the mark-maker and her home. 

This design is printed to order. Please order the correct amount of rolls needed to ensure continuity across batches.

Hatch - indigo - East London Cloth
Hatch - indigo Sale price£3.00